In School: primary
After hearing Michael interviewed by BBC Radio Scotland regarding his work in making music from climate data, he was approached by the music specialist teacher at Angus council in the north of Scotland.
Michael's work - and, in particular, the use of technology, the incorporation of field recording, the importance of mood and sound texture - formed the basis of a project across numerous schools with children aged 9 - 12. The participants analysed and reviewed Michael's work and processes before going on to make their own compositions.
We cannot share their work here - but it was, without exception - AMAZING
Michael has also worked with younger people on projects involving instrument making, sound walks, storytelling and film making.
Austerity Bites, for example, was a pan-European initiative steered by The Council of Europe and the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children. I worked with Caged Beastie Arts to create soundscapes and compositions, enabling an international network of young people to utilise creative media and expression to vocalise the impact of austerity measures on their lives.

In School: secondary
Michael has worked with numerous Scottish secondary schools across a variety of projects, including:
- ***Micro-compositions (Full, textured musical compositions lasting only 10 - 15 seconds in the style of corporate 'sonic idents' or 'musical autographs' like the Windows Startup sound, the Netflix id, the Intel jingle, etc)
- ***Sound walks (combined with field recording, processing and mixing to create sonic portraits of, and emotional responses to specific places)
- ***20th century classical music and musique concrète (Michael engages students well in this notoriously problematic area of the curriculum)
Michael provides support and mentorship to students, especially those with an interest in experimental approaches to composition, use of music and sound making technology, combining classical and electronic performance, composition and recording.
Michael is PVG certified for working with children and protected adult groups.

University / Professional
As well as publishing his writing on sound/music in Sound On Sound, Audio Media International, The Quietus, among others, Michael presents and discusses his work across a range of contexts, including;
- ***Royal Musical Society Research Colloquia at Glasgow School of Music
- ***Ghost Conference, Krakow (Where his writings formed the basis of a weekend practical workshop in field recording and composition)
- ***Napier University MSc programme in Sound Design (guest lecturer on theatre soundtrack development)
- ***Centre for Digital Culture, Mexico City
- ***Liminal Nights (Curating and hosting a series of informal performances in Edinburgh's Queen's Hall, exploring the border territories of classical, experimental and electronic music)
Michael's subjects are often wilfully abstract, occasionally confrontational, but are always warmly received;
- ***Music as time travel
- ***The divorce of music from sound
- ***How to cross walls to become lost in music

One to one - private teaching
I offer private tuition both face to face and online in Max/MSP (with nodeJS and Javascript integration), data sonification, Logic, Live, and sample instrument making in Kontakt.
I also provide help with the fundamentals of recording and mixing.
These sessions are highly individual and tailored specifically to each need or requirement. Drop me a line to see if I can help - michael@michaelbegg.studio